Thursday, December 18, 2008

I can not believe it. My son Caleb actually sang in front of a crowd. This is the boy at every birthday party that screams "no singing" at the Happy Birthday song. Last night was his and my first (as a mother) time at a Christmas Program. I was so proud of him. I went up close to get pictures and he didn't even see me..otherwise I am sure he would have run off to get me. So here is me showing off my oldest actually singing and enjoying it. After they got done singing Jolly Old Saint Nicolaus and The Chipmonk Song I stood up and said Caleb. And the boy bolted to the end of the stage and jumped into my arms. He had the biggest smile on his face I have seen in awhile. Oh Caleb is on the end in green. Have a Great Day.


Roxie said...

Way cool. Did you video tape it.

Barb said...

How awesome, Jen... Isn't it wonderful when they come out of their shells and shock the heck out of you!! I remember when my daughter (she was 3 at the time and she is 31 now!) sang with her day care group at the mall - she was so into it, she forgot she had a dress on and had her dress all in a bunch in her hand, showing her panties to all... everyone was giggling!

I am so happy for you - it sounds like it is one of those moments you will be sharing always! Cherish them...